(TNTLKP) Terrorizing Numerous territories or better yet Teaching numerous territories w/LOVE KNOWLEDGE AND PEACE! This group of experienced artist from Kansas City MO will open 3rd eyes as well as ears with music that expands far beyond the genre of Hip-Hop. Consisting of 5 unique members, each with their own frequency that can mix and mesh to create a different experience on every track!
Combining sounds of Wu-Tang, Pro-Era, TDE, and UGK all in one…Sound Crazy rite? Give TNTLKP a listen…
J-Rod with the intellectual bars with depth the dives deeper than the Dead Sea..
Romiiie Rome
Scream with the RAW Uncut and Edgy lyrics that u can feel..
Theres d0lo with the hypnotizing Melodies, catchy voice, and unexpected metaphors I that creep up longs after the song is over
Shon Antuan
Shon Antuan has the soulful nostalgic sound that brings back feels of the past..